Swimrun Races
By Country 2025

By Richard Mitchell and Mogsy Ford

Updated March 2025

Do you want to search for swimrun races by country?

When you're looking for swimrun events, you may be looking for races not too far from home, or you may be looking for an event in another country, to have a mini-break, or make a small holiday out of the trip.

Whatever your plan, you can search by country on this page by clicking on the country name below. This will take you directly to the country you are interested in. OR you may decide to simply browse down through the countries listed, and see what you may find interesting!

Race organizers - if your event is not listed, please Contact Us!

For great accuracy and detailed swimming data, check out the Garmin Swim 2 GPS smartwatch for the pool and open water!

For more information and the best price check out Amazon HERE!

If this is your first race, you need to consider the total distance involved; we recommend entering the sprint race distance rather than the full long course distance.

The short course race will give you a good idea of the elements of swimrun, and highlight your weaknesses. Are you confident in open water sea swimming? Or maybe a lake might be your style? Remember to check the swim to run ratio!

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In Western Australia, there is the Trans Cape on 9th March 2024 starting at Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse.

On 12 April 2025, Swimrun Australia will hold the Sydney East event. There are 4 distances, and a total limit of 300 teams.

There are also 2 other events - In Sydney North the event is on 11th October 2025, and on the Gold Coast, Queensland, at Miami Beach, on 13th September 2025.


The Backwaterman series is held in the fjord-like waters of the Ottenstein reservoir, North-West of the capital city Vienna. Save the date: 27-29th June 2025 .

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These are held by EcoSwimRun at:

  • Butgenbach  (18 May 2025)
  • the Gileppe Dam (29 June 2025) and at
  • Robertville (31 August 2025).
  • Here is the link to the EcoSwimRun website for more information.

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Swimrun competitors starting a race in the sunshineA Mudskipper start

There is an EXCELLENT choice of Swimrun races in Canada:

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The Protaras Swimrun company has 2 races in Cyprus - a sprint distance (8.2 miles) and a full distance (15.6 miles). Here is a link to the Protaras Swimrun website.

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There is just one event in Denmark that makes it onto our calendar:

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There are several Swimrun organizers in Finland. The Åland series has been taken over by Ötillö for 2025.

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Here we have

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There are now FIVE really spectacular races in Greece;

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One of the most stunning countries in the world, Italy plays host to;

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There is just the one event in Luxembourg. Here you will find

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Netherlands (Holland)

In the Netherlands there is

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New Zealand / Aotearoa

2 swimrun competitors wearing red caps and bibs wading out of the water at Wanaka, New Zealand.Breca Swimrun Wanaka

The Land of the Long White Cloud (Aotearoa) was home to 2 amazing Breca swimrun events. They were;

  •  Wanaka  in the South Island, an hour north of Queenstown;
  •  Bay of Islands in sub-tropical Pahia, a 3 hour drive north of Auckland.

Hoever,  Breca went into liquidation in 2022.

The Breca brand name was acquired by new owner Jonathan Littlewood  (June 2023) but he did not revive the brand, and has put www.swimrun.com up for sale.

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  • the Rockman event is a monster, at 51 km!
  • Swimrun Oslofjord Sprint
  • Swimrun to the Worlds End

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Portugal (including Madeira)

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South Africa

  • Torpedo Swimrun Val de Vie at 11km.
  • Torpedo Swimrun Cape, held near Cape Town, at 16km.
  • Torpedo Swimrun Cosy at 6.5 km
  • Torpedo Swimrun Skins at 16 km

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The first swimrun races of the season in Spain are on the Canary Islands;

  •  Gran Canaria is also located on the Canary Islands, with super sprint and standard sprint distances.
  • Tenerife. They offer a super sprint at 7km as an introduction to the sport, and a standard sprint distance at 12km.
  • La Palma, also on the Canary Islands, is a new addition to the series.
  • Swimrun Madrid has 2 events, one on July 7th and the other on September 22nd, both with 3 distances to choose from.
  • Alcudia, on the idyllic Balearic island of Mallorca, will host the FIRST Swim Run Races event in October.

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The Home of Swimrun, Sweden has a LOT of events!

First up:

  • The monster One Water Race over the Stockholm Archipelago, with a completely bonkers distance of 250 km!
  • The famous Ötillö Utö, with 3 distances of 8km, 14km, and the big one at 41km.
  • The EX Swimrun has 3 race distances, the ARK Supersprint, the EX Long at 23 km and the EX23 Short at 14 km.
  • The Jönköping race has a family distance of 1km, a 15km distance and a 35km distance which is also an Ötillö merit race.
  • Next is the Sjolppet event with distances of either 15km or 30km.
  • The Långholmen event has 2 races - 5.5km and 23km.
  • The Grinda swimrun has one distance, 10km, for team and solo racers.
  • Normally held in August each year, the Ötillö Gothenburg (Göteburg) event has 3 race distances of 8km, 21km and the long 37km (A World Series race)
  • The Angaloppet Steam Race event has FIVE race options.
  • The Nynäshamn event has 5km and 10km races for teams and solo athletes.
  • Bokenäs Swim run is at the end of June.
  • The Immeln Swimrun event has some of the longest races in the world, at 16 km, 40km, and an ultra distance of 113km.
  • The Norrtälje has 11.5, 5.6 and 2 km distances, in July.
  • The Torekov has one distance, at 23km.
  • Vasteras has 2 races, "experience & solo" at 17.5 km, and the Full Distance of 30 km
  • The Ötillö Swimrun Final 15K has a race distance of 12.4 km, while the Ötillö Swimrun World Championship race involves a massive 75 km, and has the reputation of being one of the toughest one-day events on the planet.
  • Juniskär has distances of 26km, 11km and a 2km trial.
  • The Karlskrona event has a 14km Sprint, a 6km Intro and a 14km Relay on offer.
  • The fun 2-island Moose to Goose race offers a straight 10km event.
  • The Finnhamn event has a 12km race open to teams and solo competitors.
  • Swimrun Over the Fjorden
  • Skatås sjöar is in Gothenburg with 2 events of 10km and 19km.
  • Halmstad covers 17 km, and takes place on 6th September.
  • The Husarö has one distance of 15km, for teams and solo swimrunners.
  • Hellas Frostbite Swimrun, Stockholm

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Two Swimrun competitors swimming side by side, wearing wetsuits and green tops, at Engadin in the Swiss AlpsSwimrun Engadin

Currently there is just the one Swimrun event in Switzerland:

  • the Ötillö Engadin. There are 3 race options at this stunning location:
  • Experience & solo -  7.1 km
  • Sprint & solo -  15.1 km
  • World series -  46.3 km
  • Read about our personal race experience here.

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United Kingdom

3 swimrunners runnig into a lake wearing wetsuits, swim caps and googles, in a competitionImage courtesy Keen as Mustard Swimrun

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Two swimrunners running into a lake wearing swim hats, goggles and wearing swim floatsImage courtesy Ignite Swimrun

United States

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There are 2 locations that we are aware of in Uruguay, so far;

In almost all events, you will need all the swimrun equipment that is standard these day, such as a pull buoy, a tow rope, wet suits and swim caps. There are no age groups yet - older competitors compete directly against the young 'uns!

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