Swimrun Italy

By Richard Mitchell and Mogsy Ford

Updated January 2025

Swimrun Italy has one of the biggest event calendars we have seen when it comes to swimrun events - too many for us to list in our main calendars, so here is a link to the swimrun Italy home page with a .pdf of the entire season! It has 15 events listed.

In addition, SOME of these events are part of a CIRCUIT which has a different website under the name Domani Arriva Sempre - "Tomorrow Always Comes" - but this website is not always kept up to date!

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Swimrun Italy Gold series 2025Gold Series 2025

Swimrun Italy

The DAS events in 2024 were as follows;

23 April - Amphibianman - Lignano - Sprint

21 May - 8 Full 8 - Lido de Savio - "Last Swimrunner"  CANCELLED

4 June - Swimrun del Bilancino - Babberino del Mugello - Half

2 July - Swimrun Fiastra - San Lorenzo al Lago - Sprint

15 July - Swimrun Barcis -  Barcis  - Sprint

23 July - Swimrun Bologna - Lago di Suviana - Sprint + Half

27 August - Swimrun del Benacus - S. Felice del Benaco - Sprint

23 September - AquaticRunner World Championship - Grado - Half

8 October (tbc) - Breeze - Swimrun Nordico Romagnolo - Milan - Sprint

Swimrun Italy

How did it all start in Italy?

In 2012, two Italians had the idea to run and swim from island to island, starting in Grado and finishing in Lignano Sabbiadoro, involving 5 sandy island in the Marano Lagoon. The men were Francesco Degano and Matteo Benedetti.

At that time, they had not heard of 'swimrun', and had no idea that similar races were already being held in Sweden. The rules were different, as the 2 disciplines evolved separately.

In 2014 it became an international competition, in the opposite direction from Lignano Sabbiadoro to Grado, run by Amphibianman on May 10th, and by Aquaticrunner on August 3rd. These were separate events held by two different organisers, using the same route.

Competitors running over a sandy island in the AquaticRunner Swimrun Italy event

Because of the relatively warm waters, wetsuits were banned as were hand paddles, but pull buoys were compulsory.

There can be very strong currents between the islands - over 5 knots - and so the event was planned for low tide, to minimise the currents and allow for better beach running.

The route from from Lignano Sabbiadoro to Grado covered 24km, of which 4.5km were swimming and 19.5km running. The first Aquaticrunner race was won by Gianni Sartori in a time just under 3 hours.

Two femaile competitors at the finish of the AquaticRunner Swimrun ItalyTwo female team members at the finish 2022

Swimrun Italy

The FULL Italian swimrun series now has a few extra events in addition to the DAS circuit, starting in April and running through to October, with one final event in December on the list! Here is the full list from the Swimrun Italy website.

There are 2 National Championship events planned for 2025:

  • Benacus swimrun on August 3rd 2025
  • Individual Aquaticrunner Lignano-Grado - date TBC

The Lignano - Grado course now covers 19 transitions for a total distance of 27.1km. The swimming sections cover 5.35km, and the running sections cover 21.75km (equivalent to a Half marathon!)

Prizewinners at the 2022 AquaticRunner Swimrun in ItalyAquaticRunner prizewinners 2022

Individual competitors must use a pull buoy and are allowed to use hand paddles. There is a limit of 250 competitors, who can qualify to register by one of the following 3 methods:

  • 100 Athletes who competed in the 2023 event
  • 100 Athletes who qualified at an event in the 2023 or 2024 seasons
  • 50 Athletes with a sports qualification

There is a series of swimrun events around the world that act as qualifying events for the Lignano - Grado event. They are;

The logos of the 6 AquaticRunner qualifying swimrun eventsAquaticRunner qualifying events

Other events that may qualify you to take part are the following:

  • If you have ever done a full IRONMAN distance event
  • If you have done a HALF IRONMAN distance in the last last two years
  • If you have done a HALF IRONMAN distance last year
  • If you have run a MARATHON in the last year, and a HALF IRONMAN distance last year
  • If you have done a long distance swim race (>4000m) in the last two years, AND run a HALF MARATHON in the last two years
  • If you have run an ULTRAMARATHON (>84 km) in the last two years, and completed a SWIM RACE over 3000m in the last two years
  • If you have completed a SWIMRUN RACE DISTANCE of at least 3000m swim AND a 20 km run in the last two years

The whole business of qualifying to enter the main event is rather complicated, as you can see from the above lists. This is confirmed if you go to the main event registration page!

Also, don't forget that you need a medical certificate.

However it is a spectacular race to take part in, and well worth the effort!

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  2. Swimrun Italy

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