Home Workout Plans

By Richard Mitchell and Mogsy Ford

Updated January 2025

Follow our Home Workout Plans to keep you fit in the comfort of your own home.  In 2020 and 2021 many people round the world were in lockdown due to the Covid-19 situation, including us.

Due to the strict lockdown rules, we had to keep fit by doing our own circuit training around the house, terrace and garage, combined with online workouts. At that time, in Spain, were not allowed to leave the house for any reason other than to visit a doctor or pharmacy, or to shop for food.

After life returned to normal, we found that we had developed some great work outs, and we decided to integrate them into our regular training! Now we use our plans every week, if there is bad weather or we have limited time.

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Home Workout Plans

We were fortunate to have a turbo trainer, so we could set up the bike indoors; but any form of home exercise equipment could be used in these workouts, or you could substitute with an extra run section if you have no equipment.

Check out our page on the best home exercise equipment for ideas on the types of equipment available and to find the best deals!

If you don't have weights you can use bottles of water or tins of food!  A 5 liter bottle of water is a good substitute for a kettle bell.

As with any exercise plan, if this is new to you, always consult your physician before starting.

Plan 1

This Home Workout Plan is a circuit with 4 x 5 minute stages - to be repeated 3 times.  Total time is 80 mins including a 10 minute warm up and 10 minute cool down.

WARM UP - 30 secs of each and repeat 3 times - get faster each time

Run on spot

Star jumps

Hop side to side

Ski jump side to side

Butt kicks

High knees

Mummy kicks (video below)



5 mins

Increase speed


5 x 1 min

see below


5 mins

Round house, terrace, garage using any space you have!


5 x 1 min

see below

Weights - see photos of Richard below

Bicep curls - 1 min

Tricep dips or overhead curl - 1 min

Kettlebell - 1 min

Narrow squat & arm with weight overhead - 30 secs each arm

Sumo squat with kettle bell

A man in a blue top demonstrating a bicep curl exercise.Bicep curl
A man in a blue top demonstrating a tricep curl exercise.Tricep overhead curl
A man in a blue top demonstrating a kettle bell weight exercise.Kettlebell workout
A man in a blue top demonstrating an overhead arm exercise.squat and raise arm overhead
A man in a blue top demonstrating a sumo squat with a kettle bell weightsumo squat with kettlebell


Small crunches - hands on thigh to knee - 1 min

One leg raised - crunch to reach to toe - 30 secs each leg

Plank - normal or up/down elbow to hand - 1 min

Side Plank - 30 secs each side

Slow bicycle crunches - 1 min


10 mins of general stretching

Mummy Kicks

Printable Image of Plan 1

A Home Workout Plan

Home Workout Plans

Plan 2

Home Workout Plan 2 is a variation based on Plan 1 but with different Weights and Abs exercises for variation and to target different muscle groups.

Warm up and bike/run sections are as per Plan 1.

Weights - see Richard's examples above and below

Narrow squat & arm with weight overhead - 30 secs each arm

Tricep dips or overhead curl - 1 min

Kettlebell - 1 min

Bicep curls - 1 min

Deadlift with kettlebell - 1 min

A man in a blue top demonstrating a kettle bell exercise.Deadlift with kettlebell


Plank on hands, touching alternate shoulder - 1 min

Lie on back, knees raised - curl up to touch hands behind knees - 1 min

Bridge position and raise alternate legs - 1 min

Lie on back, knees bent feet on floor, touch alternate ankle - 1 min

Side plank - 30 secs each side


10 mins of general stretching

Printable Image of Plan 2

A Home Workout Plan

Great Fitness Game for Lockdown

Grab a Deck of Cards...each Suit is the exercise below....shuffle and deal yourself however many cards you feel (5 or more!)  Or the whole pack if you're feeling energetic.  Turn a card over and perform the exercise for that suit and for the number on the card.

Jack is 11, Queen 12, King 13 and Ace is high 14...not 1

You don't have to do these exact exercises you can make your own, but these will give you an awesome burn....do jump squats and jump lunges for extra effort!

You can also play this with a partner and deal out half the pack each.

Choose an exercise you don't really like for the jokers and x by 10.

Home Workout Plans

Plan 3

Plan 3 increases to 7 minute circuits.

Warm up is the same as Plans 1 and 2.  The bike and run circuits are now 7 minutes long.

Weights and Abs circuits are below.

Weights - see Richard's photos above and below

Kettlebell - 1 min

Bicep curls - 1 min

Narrow squat & arm with weight overhead - 30 secs each arm

Tricep dips or overhead curl - 1 min

Deadlift with kettlebell - 1 min

Reverse Lunge with weight, bicep & back arm stretch - 30 secs each side

Lateral arm raise with weight - 30 secs each side

A man in a blue top demonstrating a reverse lunge with a weight.Reverse lunge with weight
A man wearing a blue top, demonstrating a lateral arm raise with a dumbell.Lateral arm raise


Crunches to knee - 1 min

One leg raised, crunch to reach toe - 30 secs each side

Slow bicycle crunches - 1 min

Plank touching alternate shoulders, or up/down plank - 1 min

Side plank - 30 secs each side

Lie on back, legs & arms straight - curl in then stretch out - 1 min

Bridge position, raise alternate legs - 1 min


10 mins of general stretching

Printable Image of Plan 3

A Home Workout Plan

Here we are on the bike sections of our circuit training!  This is Mogsy's bike so the saddle is lower which makes it a harder training session for Richard.  The lower the saddle the harder the workout.

A man in a blue and orange top exercising on an indoor bike.
A woman in a pink top on an indoor bike, exercising.

Home Workout Plan 4

Plan 4 increases to 8 minute circuits.

Warm up is the same as Plans 1 and 2.  The bike and run circuits are now 8 minutes long.

Printable Image of Plan 4

Home Workout Plans

This is a new page, and we will be adding new workouts over time!

Contact us if you have a home workout plan that we can add to the page or if you have tried any of ours - we would love to hear from you!

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