My Local Swimrun Event

By Richard Mitchell and Mogsy Ford

Updated January 2025

Here's your chance to tell us about YOUR local swimrun event! Swim run events are now held all over the world, and new races are being announced almost every week.

But what if you want to try a race near home? Of course, you can search for swim run events by country at our search page; But we'd love to hear from you if you have a local race that deserves attention!

Just send your report to us using the Contact Us link; you will have your OWN dedicated page, and a link on this page to your article! We will credit you as author, and include links to the event and to your own website or blog.

For great accuracy and detailed swimming data, check out the Garmin Swim 2 GPS smartwatch for the pool and open water!

For more information and the best price check out Amazon HERE!

A man in a wetsuit jumping 20 meters into a lake at the EX swimrun event Falcon Mountain Base jumpThe Falcon Mountain base jump near the end of the EX swimrun event in Sweden.

My Local
Swimrun Event

  • For example, we now live on Malta, so OUR local event is on the small island of Comino which lies between Malta and Gozo. It is held by Xterra, and is a relatively short event of 2km swimming and 8km running (in total), giving a swim to run ratio of 20%. BUT it's our local event, and you can read about it at our Comino page.
Comino and Cominotto islands in Malta, viwed from the airComino and Cominotto

What information do we need
about your local swim run events?

  • First of all, the location! This means the exact location of the actual race, and also the nearest town. It would be great to include some brief information about how to get there!
  • Second, the distances. This means the total swim distance, the total running distance, and the swim to run ratio. If you have information on the longest swim leg and the longest run leg, even better!
  • Third, we like to know a bit about the vertical gain on the running course. Is there much elevation? Or is the course relatively flat? This helps people decide if it might be too much of vertical challenge.
  • Fourth, who is the organiser? We need the link to the entry page on the organiser's website.
  • And, last but not least, we need your name, and a link (if you want one) to your own website or blog, personal or business.

As the number of swim run events around the World increases, it can get a bit confusing about which races to look at, and consider entering. We hope our list of 'my local swimrun event' races will prove to be useful!

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  1. Swimrun Advice
  2. My local event works with the following Swimrun companies:

Otillo Logo World Series
Zone 3 Swimrun logo
Low Tide Boyz swimrun logo
Kuopio Swimrun Logo
Canaqua Swimrun Logo