Swimrun Races
By Distance

By Richard Mitchell and Mogsy Ford

Updated January 2025

Finding swimrun races by distance can be time-consuming; there are so many events, websites, and so many organisers!

BUT, we have made the job much easier for you by compiling events by distance, in to one of four categories:

  • Up to 10 km
  • From 10.1 to 20 km
  • From 20.1 to 30 km
  • Over 30.1 km

You can also search for an event by country. This lets you look for a race in your own country or one you would like to visit.

You can also scroll through our full events calendars,

And, if you are after a challenge, you can take a look at our list of the toughest swimrun races here.

But now, let's move on to our pages that list races according to their distance, which allows you to look at events that match your current ability and fitness level!

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Swimrun Races
By Distance

Why would you want to look for a specific race distance?

There are several good reasons to look for shorter events, less than 10k!

  • It's your first event
  • You're not sure of your fitness
  • You're coming from triathlon and swimming is your weak spot
  • You're recovering from injury or illness
  • You can usually take part as a solo competitor

Bay of Islands SwimRunnersSupersprint

Races under 10km

Races less than 10 km.

These races are usually referred to as 'Intro', 'experience' or 'super-sprint', depending on the event and the other distances on offer. There will be about 1 km to 2 km of swimming, over 3 or 4 sections, with around 8 km of running, also over about 4 sections.

You don't need to be a strong swimmer as these races are usually held in sheltered locations with short swim sections, and you can make do with a triathlon wetsuit.

However, be aware that some of these shorter events are aimed at very fit young folk who will attack the course at full speed!

Here is our list of swimrun races under 10 km.

Races 10 to 20km

A blue 15km marker flag at a running race15 km marker flag

Races from 10 km to 20 km.

These races start at 10.1 km, and are usually referred to as 'sprint' events. A typical event would cover 15 km to 18 km, with about 3 km of swimming over 5 to 6 legs, and 12 km to 15 km of running over 7 legs.

This distance is a good option if you have already taken part in at least one swimrun race, have a decent swim ability (2000 metres in under 60 minutes in a pool), and have a swimrun-specific wetsuit.

Here is our list of swimrun races from 10 to 20km.

Races By Distance

Races 20 to 30km

Races from 20 km to 30 km.

Once you get over 20 km, the races are usually called 'medium' or 'standard' distance. There may be swim sections of over 1 km at a time, sometimes 2 km, and the running terrain will be more challenging.

This would be a good option if you have done at least one swimrun (preferably 2) at a shorter distance, you have a good swimrun-specific wetsuit, and you have done a fair bit of run training on mixed trails, like sand, rock, gravel as well as hills.

Here is our list of swimrun races 20 to 30km.

Races over 30km

Races over 30 km.

The races over 30 km are usually called 'long', 'marathon', or 'ultra'. Some of these can be very long, such as the Ötillö World Championship race at around 70 km, and the Rockman event at 51 km.

Once you get over 30 km, this is a serious challenge. You need to have done 3 swimruns at shorter distances, have a swimrun-specific wetsuit, and have done the distance in training several times.

Take a look at our page on the toughest swimrun events to get an idea of what you may be taking on!

Here is our list of swimrun races over 30km.

A Rockman standing with two swimrun racers at the Rockman Swimrun in Norway.Rockman Swimrun Norway

We hope this guide to swimrun races by distance is useful when you want to select an event that's just right for you! If you think we have missed an event, please tell us by using the Contact Us link.

Thank you!

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