Event Info
Ötillö Orcas Island

By Richard Mitchell and Mogsy Ford

Updated January 2025

Full event info Otillo Orcas Island. This takes place in the San Juan Islands off the west coast of the USA, in Washington state's Pacific North West.

With swimming in crystal lakes, trail running and mountain climbs, this has become a classic event, which is usually held around the middle of September each year.

ALL swimming is in the lakes on the island, NOT in the sea from island to island. The running sections are on trails, with some quite steep ascents and significant vertical gain in all three event distances.

For great accuracy and detailed swimming data, check out the Garmin Swim 2 GPS smartwatch for the pool and open water!

For more information and the best price check out Amazon HERE!

Otillo  swimrun at Orcas Island, JumpImage courtesy Otillo

Event Info Ötillö Orcas Island


Orcas Island, which is in the San Juan island group. Orcas Island is called "the gem of the San Juans". This is a horseshoe-shaped island covering 57 square miles, the majority of which is rural and hilly.

The small local population is made up of artists and farmers, and their studios and barns are dotted about over the island.

The usual date is mid-September each year.

How to get there

The nearest airport is Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. (SEA).

From there you will have to hire a car for the 2-hour drive to the Washington State Ferry Terminal in Anacortes.

There are several ways to get to Orcas Island, but most people take one of the iconic Washington State Ferries from Anacortes. You should make a reservation on the ferry for your car, although walk-on passengers don’t need a reservation.

 Visit TakeAFerry.com to see schedules and make reservations.

Where to stay

Ötillö has NOT made any arrangements or negociated any discounts. The best locations to stay are the Rosario Resort or else in one of the Air BnBs on the island.

Race distances

There are 3 race distances, the Experience, the Sprint, and the World Series.

  • Experience is a short intro event, with a total distance of 10.58 km. Of that, 1.3 km is swimming, and 9.2 km is running. Total elevation is 307 metres.
  • Sprint is a medium-distance event, with a total distance of 22.4 km. Of that, 2.93 km is swimming, and 19.5 km is running. Elevation gain is a significant 593 metres, so there are hills to conquer!
  • The World Series event is the big one - covering 38.9 km, made up of 5.3 km swimming and 33.6 km of running. Total elevation is a steep 1,368 metres. Train for hill ascents!

Otillo swimrun Orcas Island athletes running through woodlandImage courtesy Otillo

Race routes

Start & Finish:
The start and finish for all distances is at Rosario Resort Beach House in Eastsound.

Bag drop
There is a bag drop facility at the Rosario Beach House. Mark your bag well. Remember, the bag drop is not guarded!

At the moment, only the route map for the World Series distance is showing on the Ötillö website.

Otillo Orcas Island World Series Route Map.World series route map. Image courtesy Ötillö

Event Info Ötillö Orcas Island

Energy stations

Every water stop will be equipped with a minimum of two coolers. One cooler will contain regular water. The other cooler will be filled with Precision Hydration electrolyte-infused water. You can identify this cooler by the “PH” marking on its top.

Additionally, most, if not all, water stops will have a bucket or container holding PH gels.

No cups are available on course; you must bring your own collapsible cup or soft silicone bottle.

Please ensure that any trash you have is disposed of in the designated trash bag, typically tied to the handle of one of the water coolers. Leaving trash on the course or failing to use the trash bags will result in immediate disqualification and a ban from all future races.

Cut-off times

All distances have the same safety cut-offs:

  • 11:00 Bottom of Mt. Constitution
  • 12:30 Top of Mt. Constitution
  • 14:00 South end of Mountain Lake
  • 16:00 Finish Line Area – This is when the race officially ends.


Held in September, it is late summer.  The air temperature is around 16 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature is also around 12 degrees celcius.

However, the weather can be unpredictable, so check the forecast for the area before you travel, and pack appropriate clothing.

Wetsuits are MANDATORY for everyone, NO exceptions.

Summary of event info Otillo Orcas Island

The Ötillö Orcas Island swimrun event is unique. Overall, a spectacular location for an amazing swimrun event!

Check the dates at our swimrun calendar USA/World 2025.

If you think our event info Otillo Orcas Island needs an amendment, please let us know via the Contact Us link. Thank you!

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  3. Event Info Ötillö Orcas Island

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